21 May Field Trip Report – Oden Fish Hatchery May 21, 2024
On May 21, 2024 at Oden Fish Hatchery 9 participants identified 43 species of birds (114 individuals). The day started with gray, dense, and almost-foggy skies. Sue, Cynthia, Art, Jill, Kelly, Kurt, Peri, Joe & Tracy did their best to find birds in the gloomy, flat conditions. We heard birds; but other than the persistent Robins, birds were hard to see.
Highlights: Looking upstream at the bridge, we spied the Great Blue Heron perched high in a dead tree some distance away. A Black-and-White Warbler sang loudly and persistently from the top of a dead tree against a pale gay sky. After the skies cleared and the sun came out we got to see the Scarlet Tanager and the Indigo Bunting singing loudly from their treetops. A female Hooded Merganser had a herd of tiny youngsters in tow. (See more of Sue Kurtz’s photos click on this link to eBird checklist Sue created here https://ebird.org/checklist/S176239453)
It was lots of fun. Thanks to everyone who came and shared their birding skills. Our last scheduled bird walk at Oden Fish Hatchery will be next Tuesday. Hope you can join us.